Hole #14
Judy and Marlene
Red, White and Blue outfits on Margie, Barb M, Darlene, and Kris
Hole #11
Hole #17
Hole #11
Opening day with bagels
Pelicans on Hole #3
Becky Mooney
Hole #5
Hole #14
Erin and dog who hopped fence on #6
A flag for each player ready to go on hole 1
April 18 - Members at Spring Meeting
Hole #2
Brandy Ayriss
First Hole with Tulips in May
June 13 - Bird posing on Hole #17
Cathy K, Peggy H, and Gale Nelson (new)
Erin and dog owner
Club Champion LeAnna with the cake de jour!
Barb P, Nancy, Dioni
Hole #5
Erin, Sammy, Odette
June 13 - by the firepit (cold and rainy day)
First Place Winners
Hole #9
Gale Nelson
Hole #9
Hole #8
Barbara Lawson
June 13 - day after Denver Nuggest won the NBA Finals!
Hole #7
Foxy Lady Tournament Aug 2 - Margie Dioni and Odette
Hole #15